Saturday, April 5, 2014

19 Weeks and Gender Reveal (FINALLY!)

Made this to put on FB :) I think it turned out so cute!!

This has been such an amazing week!! Even though I totally spaced and forgot to post my 18 week belly shot (well...spaced in that I didn't like the one David took of me. But I'll post it here anyway since I'm sure I'll be sad I missed it later)
18 weeks! I'll take my 19 week one later this week probably....

We had our 18 week appointment on Tuesday, where our doctor told us again how healthy our babes are, and that my cervix is nice and long (4.25 inches, yay! She said anything over 3 is great). But the best part, I mean...aside from having totally healthy babes, is that she told us Baby A is a BOY! We were overjoyed and David especially relieved/excited that he wouldn't be totally outnumbered ;) Baby B was being a bit more finicky, so our doc didn't tell us 100% the gender, but she said she thought B was a girl. 
I think that would have driven me crazy, not knowing for sure, but luckily I scheduled our anatomy ultrasound for that Friday...we only had to wait 3 days for confirmation! And sure enough, Baby B is a GIRL! I totally wanted a boy/girl (not sure if I mentioned it before) for a number of reasons. 

1. We would be able to tell them apart immediately. I didn't want to have to take a bottle of nail polish to the hospital ;)
2. We know for sure now that they are not identical. I can finally answer that question with confidence when people ask me! Phew!
3. We get the best of both worlds--a little boy and a little girl! 

I've felt really comfortable with the fact we're having twins for a while now, but finding out we were having a boy and girl made me feel super blessed for the first time. It sounds bad to say's not like I didn't love them when I first heard their little heartbeats that first appointment, but there was always this underlying feeling of 'why us'. Knowing now that it's a boy and girl in there and not just blobs floating around makes my new little family feel more tangible. And now I'm actually excited that we're having twins! Go figure ;)

How far along? 19 Weeks today!
Total weight gain: about 15 lbs. Wowza. Still feel like it's all in my boobs and belly
Maternity clothes? Um, duh. The shirt/pants I was wearing in my 18 week belly pic weren't maternity, and man alive, I could only wear them out for coffee w/ the hubs before I had to go home and change. The shirt is supposed to be blousy, but was really stretched, making it pucker awkwardly. And the pants I was wearing were stretchy pleather leggings. Here I was thinking that I'd be able to wear my normal stretchy pants well into my pregnancy. I mean...they stretch! That's the point! But when your belly becomes bigger than your butt all of the sudden, pants have a tendency to fall off your butt. Learn something new every day haha
Stretch marks? Eh, I hate to admit it, but a couple on my boobs. Darn it all, they grew so fast! I'm still in denial about it. But nothing on my's still perfect. No sign of the linea nigra either (pleeeease don't let me get that!!!)
Sleep: Oh, I sleep all the time. It's not really my most restful sleep...I finally started using the preggo pillow my sister-in-law lent me (which is glorious btw) because my back and legs are starting to get all crampy. But I definitely sleep a lot still.
Best moment this week: Hearing from our doctor and the anatomy ultrasound tech that our babies are perfect and developing totally normal! It 
just barely trumps finding out the genders 
Miss Anything? Nothing really comes to mind this week. I've been feeling pretty normal. Well, and I think it helps that I've basically thrown all the 'you-can't-do-this' stuff out the window (at least in terms of what I eat, which let's be honest...makes me the most grumpy). In celebration of our news, David and I got sushi. And boy was it delish.  
Movement: Not really. There's still that fluttering feeling every now and then, but I'm waiting more now to feel them on the outside. I really want David to feel them!
Food cravings: Anything sweet. Although, I've always had a pretty giant sweet tooth, so it's really nothing new.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I am finding that I get winded just by walking up some stairs, but whatever. 
Gender:  BOY AND GIRL! We're pretty set on the name Jack for our little guy, but the girl we still debate. David said Hannah last night. :/ boo. My front runner is Eloise :)

Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Leg and back pains have started, but I did a bit of prenatal yoga and it definitely helped! I'll have to keep it up a few times a week
Belly Button in or out? In, but nearly flat haha
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Oh, so happy! I don't feel like I've had like any moody days. Idk...maybe David would say different
Looking forward to: Shopping! Now that we know what we're having, I can finally start the fun! ;)

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