Tuesday, June 17, 2014

29 Week Bump!

2 posts in 1 day? Better believe it!! I didn't want to slack on my belly posts since I figured these last couple months will really show a difference! I mean...will you look at that basketball I've got going on?! The two little munchkins in there are really growing now. Oh, which reminds me! When we were picking up the cake for our shower, a woman in front of us in line noticed it was a cake for twins (it said Twice Blessed and had two little baby carriages on it. Totes adorbs). She gave me SUCH a pitying look, asked how far along I was, and proceeded to lament at the fact that now is the time the babies will just grow and grow and grow. Suggesting that in turn, I will grow and grow and grow. I smiled huge and said "I hope so!"
I haven't had pity comments in a long time....I more often get told how tiny I look for being 7 months along with twins (always makes me feel a bit better haha) But I think that has to do with my small frame more than anything. The scale doesn't lie! Haha

How far along? 29 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 28 lbs. Not much of a difference between this week and last, although the weight gain is supposed to slow down now. I think I'm still supposed to gain about a pound a week, and if that's true, I'll make it (or get damn close) to my 40lb goal. The babes should double in weight over the next couple months, so that alone will pack on pounds!
Maternity clothes?  Yep, although I'm loving dresses and leggings more and more, rather than maternity pants. Even when it's not really hot outside, I seem to always want my body to be as least constricted as possible.
Sleep: Some nights are good, where I'll fall asleep around 10pm, wake up around 2am to pee, and fall [almost] immediately back to sleep until like 730am. But some nights are bad where I'll still fall asleep around 10-11pm, wake up at 2am and stay awake until 6am. I'll usually fall back asleep till like 830-9am but it's not the most restful. If I could just turn my brain off and have just a little extra space in my bladder, things would be so much better ;)
Best moment this week: So many!! Finding out the beans are growing right on schedule--Clare, my little chunk is 2lbs 13oz and Jack is 2lbs 9oz (although the tech did say Jack is probably closer to Clare's weight, since she had a hard time measuring him. He's suuuper low and apparently that caused some difficulty.) And of course our lovely shower. Surrounded by so many loved ones was just the best
Miss Anything? My back not perpetually hurting. I'm thinking that going on the inversion table to help Clare flip might also help some of my lower back pain (since I think that's what it's for anyway). Crossing the fingers!

Movement: Still constant with some really hard kicks. Little soccer stars in there!
Food cravings: I wanted Taco Bell last night, but I've always loved Taco Bell. It's a guilty pleasure. I didn't run out and get any though, so I don't think it really counts.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, although getting up or standing up for too long is again making me feel dizzy. Such a bummer.
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl

Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Hip pain started this week, which is awesome and makes sleeping that much more difficult. I'm only comfortable sleeping on my side, so I'll wake up with my hips in such horrible pain. Luckily, it's not so bad during the day, but it's making me dread sleeping at night. That, on top of my raging heartburn and sore back makes nighttime in general my least fave.
Belly Button in or out? In, but I can tell it's on its way out. The top of it is starting to poke out a bit.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but only my diamond band most of the time. I'll throw on my engagement ring if we're going out, but I know it's a bit too tight. Even my band is pretty difficult to get off

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been a bit moody this week, I'm not gonna lie. The stress of last minute shower things, hearing about birth options, and just feeling more and more achy and heavy in general has not made me the most pleasant. I still try to tell David how much I love and appreciate him but I know I've snapped a few times this week. 
Looking forward to: Getting the cribs set up in the nursery!! David's parents got them for us, and I cannot wait to see them in there!!! 

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