Tuesday, July 29, 2014

35 weeks!

Me today (35.3 weeks)

Me at 35 weeks exactly

Alright, I look smaller this week than in last weeks belly photo. And I attribute it to my excellent selfie-taking ability and David's complete lack of girl-picture taking ability. Bless his heart. I mean...I know it looks like I've really got a basketball hidden under my shirt, but I feel like the rest of me still looks pretty normal! (Although I know it isn't. Stretch marks tell no lies...) Plus, the tighter the clothes these days, the better. I hate putting stuff on and feeling like it's tenting out. Pregnancy self-image issues man....they're real.

How far along? 35 weeks 3 days 
Total weight gain: I still think around 36lbs. I don't know, I haven't weighed myself in a couple of days, and I don't have my doctor's appointment until Friday. 
Maternity clothes?  Still yes, and still feeling limited *cue Wicked music* 
Sleep: Still sporadic. Last night the beans were moving SO MUCH to the point where it didn't matter what position I was in, they were rolling around and poking their limbs out to no end. I'm wondering how they'll like swaddling...
Best moment this week: Getting my maternity back support belt! I don't wear it all the time, mostly if I'm up running around (i.e. doing the dishes or getting ready for the day haha) because sitting in it doesn't feel so great. But if I'm up walking/standing, it feels awesome. Not so-amazing-it's-like-I'm-not-even-pregnant-anymore awesome....just better than before it was on.
Miss Anything? I miss being able to snuggle up to David in the morning. I can only scootch (scooch?) over so far until my big belly hits him, and my face is still a million miles away. Plus all the scooching isn't very subtle, and has me breathing all heavy like the mouth-breather I am 
now so it's not exactly the nice morning cuddles we used to enjoy.
Oh, and on that same note, I miss not snoring. I have to sleep with earplugs because I wake my damn self up :/ Thanks, body, for revolting against these last precious weeks of quiet sleeping time 
Movement: Non-stop, which is good but I've read that if babies stop moving, it means labor is near. So they can have one more week of womb rolling around time and then they better get all Zen and ready for birth!
Food cravings: Nope. Although I've gotten sick of drinking ice water. I've been really good about drinking water all day, partly because that's what everyone tells every pregnant lady to do, but also because it's super hot and I'm in air conditioning like 24/7. It makes for a very dry combo. So I've tried strawberries in my water, which was ok...not really my fave. I stocked up on a bunch of iced tea today, so hopefully that will help.
In a moment of desperation last night, I googled "what is more hydrating than water". Guess what? Nothing. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I'm more in the aches and pains stage, I think. I don't know which one is better. 
Wait, yes I do. The queasiness is better. Because I can avoid foods/drinks/whatever. I can't do anything about this pain.
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: All the aches, everywhere. I'm pretty much done with being pregnant....but still not feeling ready for babies? Ha! 
Belly Button in or out? Out/flat.
Wedding rings on or off? Off...sapphires fo' life

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Our little co-sleeper was set up this past weekend, which ended up being a lot more complicated than it looked (so I'm glad we did it early!) and I love seeing it set up next to our bed. I try to picture our two little ones in there, and get all gooey and excited. But then I picture two crying little ones in there, and feel panicked haha
Looking forward to: Going out to dinner tonight with David's brother and wife! It feels like forever since I've done anything social, so it should be a good time :) I'm even going to wash my hair for the occasion! Dry shampoo can only go so far ;)

Dear Babies,

Dear Babies,

It's 5:30am and once again, the three of us are awake, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate (made with milk, cocoa powder, and sugar. The best way to make hot chocolate. And probably way cheaper than buying those little packets. I digress...) and watching pre-recorded Gilmore Girls. We're already at the point where Rory is at Yale, Loralai and Luke are together, and Richard and Emily are split up. Yep...the days of Jess are already over BUT so are the Dean days, yay!
It's just me, you guys, and the Gilmores, per usual. The world is asleep, so is your daddy and even though I'd rather be asleep too, I'm sitting here with the realization of how fleeting this time is. 
I know the day you're born, I'm going to try to be so mentally present--as mentally present as I can be on such a big day--because it is going to be a BIG DAY. 
But I need to be just as present in little moments like these, because they aren't going to last. Soon the three of us will be up together, but I won't be lounging on the couch with a cup of perfectly made hot chocolate resting on my belly, feeling you two bump and roll around. I might get you, Clare, to watch Gilmore Girls with me eventually but Jack, you'll probably be like your dad and revolt against the girly banter.

So hey, you two, thanks in advance for waking me up with all your little baby movements so that we can enjoy this sweet time together. 
Right now, I love it.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

13 random things about my pregnancy

Ok, some things I don't want to forget about from this lovely, preggo time:

1. Life cereal has been my go-to middle of the night snack. It's so mild and still delicious to eat dry. I've kept a baggie of it by my bed for the last few months. Some people like cheerios, other people like crackers....mine is Life cereal.

2. My fingers hurting has been the strangest pregnancy symptom. I was definitely not expecting to wake up feeling like I've got arthritis in my hands.

3. It really doesn't matter how much lotion/body oil/etc. you put on your body--stretch marks happen (although I've still yet to get any on my belly. Such a surprise!) That being said, I haven't experienced any itchy belly syndrome, which I attribute to my consistent lathering up of St. Ives lotion and this belly oil my mom got me. 

4. I have been fighting relentlessly against all of the pregnancy stereotypes. Ok no, it's more like I resent those terms people apply to completely logical actions/feelings. Like nesting....ok, it's completely logical to want to clean my house and put together a nursery for the babies I know will shortly be entering this world. But because I'm preggo, I'm nesting..not taking care of necessary business (alright, fine....decorating the shiz out of their room isn't 'necessary' but we're just going to look past that...) 
Or any time I say I want something specific to eat. OMG IT'S A CRAVING. Oh...so you, non-pregnant person, don't ever feel like something in particular to eat for dinner? Glad my crazy baby-making hormones have all the control right now, otherwise I wouldn't know what I'd want! 
OR anytime I complain about how hot it is. Not because it's the middle of summer in Southern California. Nope, it's my raging hormones. 
I attribute this frustration to wanting to maintain my 'selfness' while having everything about me change. It's a real struggle.

5. I simultaneously love and hate baby kicks. It feels like I'm losing control of my bladder or that I've got the worst bubble guts ever. Both make me want to beeline to the bathroom (which, in all honesty, I probably need to use anyway). But while I sit there feeling like I should probably invest in a pack of Depends, I know that it's my little beans in there, wiggling their bodies, making plans for escape. Dawwww 

6. My husband has never made me feel more beautiful or loved. Especially don't forget this, future Jennica, on the days (I mean come on...most days) that you feel like this

he makes you feel like yourself again and reminds you that he loves you no matter what you look like, and loves you more right now because you two made life together :)

7. I thought I'd end up with horrible pregnancy acne, or at least crazy oily skin but NOPE my skin dried up like the sahara desert! I've had to use crazy night moisturizer, and I still end up with dry patches on my face and bags under my eyes. (which, by the way when I look up 'remedies' for under eye bags, one of the top recommendations is to hydrate. I'm pretty sure no one is more hydrated than me these days...)

8. I've played/sung Can't Help Falling in Love to them on my ukulele since I was like 13 weeks (or whenever it is they say babies can hear things in the womb...) I actually started doing it because my dad said they'd probably like the vibrations of the uke. I'm hoping that the song will calm them once their born, and when I sing it they'll stop being fussy-pants and go back to being blissful babes ;) 

9. Jack always starts moves around when David gets home from work and chats with me. I think it must be the sound of his voice :) We laugh about it all the time....like "HEY DAD! Check out what I can do! See me rolling around?! Yeah, couldn't do that a week ago!"

10. I lived off of plain bagels in my first trimester. They were bland enough but super carby that they filled me up without making me feel gross.

11. I had sushi, sandwiches, sprouts, bleu cheese, coffee almost daily, and sporadic sips of wine, beer, and champagne. Everything in moderation and from places I know and trust. There's a lot of hype out there, folks. 

12. On the same note as #11, I've been obsessive about drinking tons of water since my passing-out episode in church back when I was 17 weeks. I used a 20oz cup and refilled it on the reg UNTIL I found an awesome 32oz mason jar mug-thingy that I now tote with me everywhere. Even though I have been really good about staying off my feet and such, I really attribute not swelling up like a baboon and staying as preggo as long as I have to drinking tons and tons of H2O.

13. Maternity clothes are glorious, don't ever forget it. And next time around (if there is a next time...according to David, there most definitely will be. Oy) make sure to find tight, jersey things. You'll feel less like a blimp.

I think this is it for now....I know 13 is an unlucky number, but who believes in that anyway? Jesus plus his 12 disciples makes 13, and that's about as lucky as anything. 
Anyway, I'll probably add to this, later well hopefully, since I've still got 2 more weeks [fingers crossed!] and who knows what could happen then!


14. I re-read the entire Harry Potter series during this pregnancy. So just prepare yourselves, Clare and Jack, to be Potter fans just like your mamma

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

34 weeks!

This is me feeling super heavy, with unwashed hair (thanks, hat!)  and totally sleep deprived. 
With twins, in summer. Le woof.
The good news first: at our ultrasound this week (hopefully the last one! I'm over them...the babies are too big to really see anything good and laying on my back for long periods of time suuuuuuucks) Jack weighed in at 5lbs 4oz and Clare is 5lbs 5oz! They're still so close in weight, and their heads are snuggled all close together still :)
But that means there is a 10lb 9oz 'baby' in me. Plus 2 placentas. Plus all the friggin blood pumping around (which reminds me...David grabbed for my hand the other day and was shocked at how warm it was. He asked why my hands, which are usually freezing, were so hot. I had to remind him that I've got two extra people that my body is pumping blood for, and it's kicking into high gear right now haha) 
So yes, it's finally come that time when I feel huge and horrible and heavy. But hearing how great our babes are growing, it definitely makes it worth it. It doesn't make it easier, or make me love feeling all large and gross, but it's nice knowing I've got two little beans in there that are getting chubby. Our doc was super excited at how their weight gain is right on track, and is very optimistic that they won't need any nicu time *high five babes!*

How far along? 34 weeks 4 days 
Total weight gain: 36lbs. Still gaining weight! 3 pounds in 1 week? Lawrd. 
Maternity clothes?  Yep and nothing new or exciting in this department. 
Sleep: It comes and goes. Some nights I get awesome sleep, with the exception of bathroom breaks, and other nights I'm up all night and no matter what I do, I'm just awake.
Best moment this week: Let's see...I'm not sure! I guess knowing that the babes are still growing and my body isn't ready for labor yet. It's nothing new, but it's still awesome. Nothing else is really occupying my time or thoughts anymore, so I guess that will do :)
Miss Anything? Not having heartburn.

Movement: Constantly. This week I've really tried to enjoy it since I know we're getting close to where I won't be able to feel them this way ever again
Food cravings: Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week, but I've been good about not doing much
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl

Labor Signs: Random BH contractions but nothing serious
Symptoms: This week oh man, the back pain. Lower back pain is in full force. Which, considering, I'm very lucky I'm just starting to get bad back pain. My doc told me to get a belly support band, since I'm so heavy in front. I also borrowed a big bouncy yoga ball from my folks, because apparently sitting/rocking on it helps relieve back pain/hip pain. Which is awesome, since the hip pain has continued :/
Oh and heartburn. sooooooo much heartburn.
Belly Button in or out? Out/flat.
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my sapphire ring. The other day I tried to put on my engagement ring and boy, it is so small. Pleeeeese let this be swelling and not just my hands getting permanently chubby

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! We're about as ready as we can be for these two! I told David that they could come any time now, and definitely *hopefully* in two weeks. I think it hit him then that we're having kids....haha he got real quiet and seemed pretty focused. Not like I'm more 'ready' than he is, but I've been pregnant this whole damn time, and he hasn't. Poor guy...it's like BOOM. Babies. ;)
Looking forward to: Buying our sweet new minivan haha no, but I'm pretty excited about it

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nursery Updates :)

I've been excited about getting Clare and Jack's nursery together since...well probably since before I was even pregnant haha. I like when things have their rightful 'place' in my house, even if it's organized chaos (i.e. I have a bad habit of leaving my shoes downstairs BUT they are always left piled in the same spot! Make-shift shoe closet!) So knowing that I'll be entering the world of parenting, where everything will be chaos, I was on a mission to get their shit together as much as I could. 

.....I know people call this 'nesting' but I maintain that it has nothing to do with hormones. My crazy labor dreams, sporadic laugh-crying, over-heating...hormones. Wanting to get as organized as possible before it becomes impossible is just smart. HUZZAH, STEREOTYPES! Yo face.

Anyway, we're pretty much done with their room! This is going to be rambly, but I loved putting their room together.

Here's my favorite view. They won't be in their separate cribs for a little while, but I LOVE seeing them there. Notice the animal heads that Sam and I painted :D 
In between them is this basket I got with my mom forever ago from an antique store and it's filled with diaper changing goodies (like extra pad liners, more wipes, butt cream) and some mustela cleansing fluid (genius!) 
The gorgeous crucifix we got as a wedding present and it fits so well in the room. Meant to be!!
I got that Ikea bookshelf filled with lots of diapers, onesies for each of them, burp cloths, blankets, hats/headbands and bibs. I thought I'd regret not getting a dresser (and I still might...) but I love how cute this turned out.
On top is a changing pad, and this really cute pink salt lamp (which are apparently are good for you?) that gives the most perfect glow. Like the best kind of nightlight glow. Win!

Jack's side. I mean...come on. It's so darn cute. Maybe not the most masculine but baby boys don't need testosterone thrown at them! I printed out all those little things and hunted for the frames (not too hard...I was mostly hunting because I'm cheap and frames are expensive!) I absolutely love how it turned out though.

Clare's crib. Again...come on. Friggin' adorable. There's lots of pink, but I feel like it's not overly girly or frilly, but it's still obvious that a girl is sleeping here. 
And I still love those blankets I got for the two of them. It's going to be the best getting to wrap them up in them, finally! ....I'm trying to remind myself that their room is only going to look this good for such a short time till those little terrors are in there living it up haha

And here's the view when standing by the changing table. It's not really my fave view, but it's coming along. I definitely focused most of my energy to their sleeping/changing arrangements.
 I don't have tons of stuff hanging in the closet because let's be honest...hanging onesies is stupid. All those hangers will come in handy when they get bigger (I get around to washing their bigger kid clothes) and actually need things that shouldn't be wrinkled. 
I do love the curtains hanging instead of the mirrored doors that were there before..much easier access. And I've had those curtain panels forever so it's nice I'm still getting some use out of them :) 

There's a few other little bits and bobs that I haven't snapped pics of...like the really cute laundry basket in the corner, the embroidered cloth basket I got to hold lots of cozy thicker blankets, and the shell-topped side table to go next to my rocker (I had to explain to David why this would be necessary...where else would I put my laptop to watch endless episodes of How I Met Your Mother while rocking/feeding/soothing the sweet babes??) 
But I know I'll be taking endless pictures of the two bean sprouts in here, so I'll stick them by all these random bits and post them later ;D

 I definitely love being in this room and it both excites and terrifies me that soon it will be taken over with our children :O

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

33 weeks!

OKAY....feeling large today. Like, larger than I did yesterday. I'm hoping this means the babes are growing lots and lots, and it's not me growing lots and lots. I feel like the difference between two weeks ago and this week is huge. 

Comparison time: 31 weeks vs 33 weeks. I think it looks like a big difference!
Those beans better weigh like 5 pounds each! (I go for another u/s next week, so I'll confirm then ;)
p.s. look how tan I look in 31 weeks! Yay for after editing! haha

How far along? 33 weeks 3 days 
Total weight gain: 33 lbs. Thinkin' I'll hit my 40 pound goal. Although now I officially weigh more than my hubby. Which shouldn't matter, and he's a short guy anyway but it still bugs me a bit. Darn you, vanity!
Maternity clothes?  Some maternity clothes don't fit my giant belly anymore WAH! Well, it's really just the shirts but it still bums me out. I already have a very limited wardrobe and now it's even MORE limited :'( Oh, but the other day I did wear a non-maternity dress and felt great in it! 
Ta-da! So I still have some cute days. And red lipstick days.
Those will probably end when the beans come since I'll be smooching those kids all day

Sleep: Sleep is good....still difficult to get in a comfortable position, without my hips killing me or where the babies aren't bumpin' around like crazy. And this: I've started snoring....anyone who knows me knows I'm a super light sleeper and snoring is like, the worst thing in the world. So now I've been waking my own self up with my own snoring. David just dies laughing, especially when I fall asleep before him because I'll give one good snort, instantly wake up and look grumpy. And there's no one to blame but myself  >:( Well, I guess I could blame it on the two little things taking over my lung space but I can't really get mad at them
Best moment this week: Seeing the nursery come together :D and getting my hospital bag gift from my mom. It's stocked with comfy sleep things, a cute towel, clothes and flip flops for David, and other essentials :)
Miss Anything? I feel like a broken record to say 'I miss not being ginormous' but I do. I still miss it.

Movement: Constantly! My doc told me to pay attention to fetal movement now, since a lack can indicate labor kicking off, or something going wrong....I don't know. It basically means I need to go into L&D. I almost started to laugh because my belly is no joke, constantly moving. But the other morning, I woke up totally spread eagle on my back. And I'm definitely not supposed to sleep on my back anymore (something about oxygen getting cut off to the babes? Or my arteries getting smooshed? Again..IDK..bad things happen!) And I notice that my belly isn't moving!! BAAAH! I get up, start poking them and chatting them up, and instantly little kicks and rolls commence :) Those little tricksters already making me freak out for no reason
Food cravings: Bubble gum ice cream. I could eat that shit all.day.long. Oh, and I woke up the other morning, at like 5am and NEEDED food. Usually I'll wake up around that time and will eat some dry cereal, or cereal with milk..something really mellow to tide me over. But this morning I wanted like a full-on meal. I was bitter that David wasn't working late so I could call him and tell him to pick up some Carl's Jr haha. I ended up eating the last can of Spaghetti O's (from my 1st trimester days when all I'd want is little kid food). It was heaven.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, nothing making me sick.
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl

Labor Signs: Negative! I've been trying to be even better about sitting and resting after doing little tasks though.
Symptoms: Still fighting heartburn, and major achy body especially at the end of the day. I did full on pulled a muscle in my arm the other day from moving crap around in my downstairs office/kids-play-space. I was reorganizing stuff all day, thinking I wasn't over-exerting myself, but by the evening my left arm was KILLING me. And I realized I friggin pulled something, because 2 days later it didn't hurt like it did. I'm blaming this one on that stupid ligament relaxing hormone again.
Belly Button in or out? Out, but still not like a little ball. It's actually cute and I like it because now it doesn't look like I just have a mondo gapping hole in my stomach.
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my sapphire ring. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! And nervous. These two could technically come any day now, and it's got me a bit on edge.
Looking forward to: Getting our house professionally cleaned! We've got one more little task to complete before I can have her over, but hopefully in the next two weeks, it'll happen :D

Sunday, July 6, 2014

32 weeks!

We're getting the nursery up and running! It's still not done, but the cribs are up, with their little mattresses and sheets all good to go (although I cant figure out the bumper things...how the heck do they tie on?!) and their "dresser"/changing table is all organized with its many bins and baskets full of diapers and clothes :) I just need to get around to hanging everything on the walls, and we'll be good to go! Well...and get a few other extras....

Also, had an ultrasound a few days ago, and found out that Clare is weighing in at 3lbs 13oz and Jack is a solid 4lbs!!! Yay Jack for surpassing his little sister! He's still Baby A, so I feel much better that he's bigger in case Clare flips back to breech. She's still head down (and will hopefully stay that way!!) but just in case, I'm incredibly relieved that they're doing exactly what they're supposed to right now...packing on pounds and staying head down :)

How far along? 32 weeks 2 days 
Total weight gain: 31 lbs. Good job, body!
Maternity clothes?  I haven't been able to wear any regular clothes for a while, and now I have a few maternity tops that are no longer long enough for my giant belly (again why I love the Motherhood Maternity t-shirts..they are so long and slimming!)
Sleep: I feel like I sleep all the time but again, never wake up feeling like I have. I've got permanent under eye circles that no amount of concealer can conceal WAH
Best moment this week: Knowing my babes weigh 4 pounds (or almost 4 pounds hehe). That's like....real baby weight. Oh, and finding GIANT water cups that look like mason jars, except they've got handles and a straw. They're already so handy and will be for sure when I start breastfeeding
Miss Anything? Eating a full meal and not feeling sick. I just want to go out to dinner, and finish what I order.

Movement: Yes, tons per usual but they haven't been as painful as of late. I think because I've been better about eating really small meals, there's more room? I don't know. Oh, and I have been feeling lots more deep movement, like right on my bladder that makes me nervous I'm gonna straight pee my pants! It's weird and I'm wondering if it's because their giant, heavy heads are both down there now (not that I'm complaining!! Stay there, both of you!)
Food cravings: Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: Doing too much, per usual
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl

Labor Signs: Not that I know of! Sounds weird, but I figure as long as there's no spotting, sudden swelling, or racing heartbeat, I'm fine. I've no idea what contractions feel like so I don't know if I can go off of that.
Symptoms: All the same...heartburn, joint pain everywhere, exhaustion. I should just call it 'hungover' and be done with it
Belly Button in or out? Ok, it's out...kind of. Not like I've seen on other preggos, but it's more out than in these days
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my sapphire ring. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! We've gotten a lot done around our house, and had a full week of hanging out with our family and some friends. Good times :)
Looking forward to: Summer being over ahaha! No, but....really.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

31 weeks!

This dress is from ASOS maternity and is seriously the softest ever.
I've been saving wearing it for when I feel giant and hot in whatever I put on.
ASOS for the win!

So we are slowly putting stuff together this week...cribs, strollers (both of them...), car seats, diaper changing stations and I look at all the stuff, especially the stuff we have two of and think "ok...babies. Babies will be here soon and they will be ours." I legitimately have to keep reminding myself we're going to be parents in less than 2 months...next month!! Not like I forget...I'm just trying to get it to 'sink in'.
Before I got pregnant, and well into my pregnancy, I remember thinking how lucky I am that I get 9 months to "get used to" the idea of being a mom. I've got 9 months of prep time--so long! I'll get to know my baby so well in the womb, that I'll be so prepared when the time comes to deliver and taking care of them will be just, like, whatevs
HA, um no. I'm almost 8 months baked, and every day I wake up thinking about all the stuff I don't know how to do that seems like all the basics for infant survival....I don't know how to change a diaper. I don't know how to put clothes on a newborn (what if I'm putting a onesie on them and I hit their soft spot!?) I don't know when they should eat. I don't know how much they should sleep. How warm should they be? When do I bathe them? When does their gross umbilical cord fall off? OMG those umbilical cords are so gross..what if I can't even look at it!? 
It's really intimidating. And I'm supposed to be responsible for all this times TWO?! What was God thinking?!!?
But then I remind myself that what's essential in a mother isn't all the things she does, like changing and feeding and bathing. Anyone can do that (and hopefully David will do a lot of it haha) Love is what's essential in a mother. And I know I can love them. I know that I am capable of great love, and that these 9 months is what that is for. Growing my heart so that when these two kids come into the world, I'll know they're mine and I'll know what to do as their mother :) 

How far along? 31 weeks 2 days 
Total weight gain: still about 28 lbs. But I haven't weighed myself in a couple days, aaaand I don't feel like walking all the way upstairs to do it. Plus, David has been monitoring my up and down the stairs movement and scolds me if I do it too often. Apparently, I get like 2 trips before he starts giving me the stink eye. Isn't he just the cutest ;)
Maternity clothes?  Yep. Love and hate them. 
Sleep: I've been getting lots of sleep, yay! I just read this little fact (on instagram, so who knows how reliable it is. But whatever, it validates my exhaustion) that women pregnant with twins spend 10% more energy at rest than a pregnant woman with 1 baby. So yeah, totally normal to feel exhausted after making dinner.
Best moment this week: Seeing David build the cribs. I've been waiting for the cribs to be built for what feels like forever, and seeing my sweet hubby put together the [giant!] vessels our new little lives will sleep in was such a nice moment. Every day I am grateful for the amazing husband he is, and lately I'm saying little prayers of thanks for the awesome father I know he'll be :)
Miss Anything? The freedom to go out and do what I want. David has a bunch of days off this week, and he mentioned we should go on an adventure. Yay! But then I start thinking....ok, I don't want to be in the car for hours--that's torture. Sitting through a whole movie is uncomfortable. Walking for any length of time is uncomfortable. What's left to do??? Not much :/ 

(I decided on a picnic at the Getty. Minimal driving and walking time, plus food!)
Movement: Those kids are active little buggers, which is great, BUT their kicks and rolls are really starting to hurt. This is going to sound dumb, but I always think of Twilight when Bella gets preggo with her half vampire baby and it's attacking her from the inside out. Every time I lift up my shirt, I expect to see bruises. Or brass knuckles poking through my skin. 
Food cravings: Nothing since the cheeto/pickle incident of last week. I'm having a harder time eating full meals, which I attribute to obviously the general lack of space in my stomach area and it being so damn hot.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender:  Still our little boy and girl

Labor Signs: Nothing new! Still BH contractions when I'm up and about for "long" periods of time.
Symptoms: Joint pain....I hate thee.
Belly Button in or out? It's flat. I can barely remember what my belly button looked like before
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing my sapphire ring. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: This week happy again :) 
Looking forward to: Our date to the Getty and getting our house professionally cleaned